Saturday, June 1, 2013

Ríosucio culture

presented to: elizabeth cardona

presented by : alexis becerra - julian patiño - edward motato 

typical meals:

here there are some oftyoical meals of riosucio which are the most representative: chocolo cakes, arepas chocolo, beans, tamales, chiquichoque,envueltos, hogagato, angel´s buttock.

typical drincks:

the most important typical drincks of riosucio are: the juice chicha, orange juice, chirrinchi, tapetuza, orange wine, aguapanela.

riosucio is a colombian municipality located in the west of departament of caldas, ih the upper west and the largest municipal area in the region.

riosucio township today its economy is based on agriculture: the cultivation of coffee is its main line, followed, by the cultivation of sugarcane, which is supplied some products are wiht local and regional markets also cultivated: beans, plantain, cassava, citrus and products "catch pan: fruits vegetables and legumes, which satisfy the local demand and some nearby towns.

riosucio, carnival also is known as devil carnival, it is one of the most colorful festivals of colombia and attracts a considerable number of domestic and foreing visitors. carnival is also colombia s cultural intangible heritage.


a. multiple selection 

1 riosucio is a renowned village of caldas because:

a.  be it is humble

b.  for meals and its carnival

c.  for culture

d.  for their constumbres

2. some typical meals of riosucio are:

a.  chinese rice, lazagña

b.  bin huany, stew

c.  chiquichoque, arepas de chocolo

d.  hamburger, hot dog

3. the main atraction of riosucio´s culture is:

a.  devil´s carnival

b.  holy week

c.  candlemas parties

d.  the festival of the virgen del carmen

4. which are the must representative figures  of riosucio´s carnival:

a.  colonies input 

 b.  the devil and tourists

c.  parade entry crews and  devil

d.  the devil and the gourd

4 riosucio is considered an agricultural municipality because:

a.  coffee and banana crops

b.  pope, cotton

c.  mango, apple

d.  cofee, banana, cassana, banana, etc.

b.  read the descriptions on the left  and the words of the right   ( 6 - 10 ) column ( a - g ) which word from ( a - c ) agrees with the descriptions of each sentence on the left ( 6 - 10 )

in questions from 6 to 10 moirk 

the correct letter ( a - 6) 

6.  riosucio´s carnival 

7. chiquichoque, tamales,arepas de chocolo 

8.  hill musntain´s chist, chusch jordan

9. carnival meeting

10. guarapo, orange´s wine and chicha

                a.  limits

                b.  tourist sites

                c.  important people

                d.  devil 

                e.  geograpical location 

                f.   tipical meals

                g.   tipical drinks

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